Who in their right mind would move for just one year???? It's the most ridiculous thing to do! Actually, wait a minute, no it's not, the MOST ridiculous thing to do is to move to another country with specific luggage restrictions and no prospect of apartment or job. Yes, that's the MOST ridiculous thing, by far.

I think this whole fiasco is going to end up shortening my lifespan somewhat. Look at Snoopy, (my little brother named him when he was ten, okay?) Snoops is 14 or so, and he looks fantastic. I think his secret must be that he's never really even left the house.
I HATE moving!
I'm trying to piece together your history. I guess you were in Korea then moved to Canada and now are moving back to Korea. I'm curious as to how long you were in Korea. At any rate, good luck with the move--I know first-hand how unfun that is!
I miss you!... Shouneez and I are currently looking for new digs, since being EVICTED from our lovely, cheap and central flat. Not our fault, all due to one crazed person from Darwin who doesn't know what money is or how to pay bills.
Maybe we should just look into moving back to Korea, at least then I don't have to look for a flat and hey if you're moving why not do it in the grand style of moving countries like yourself?
Beloved, you ARE clever! I was in Korea for three years, met and married Jae Cheol, then convinced him to spend a year in Canada. That was what gave me my first two grey hairs. Moving back to Korea has given me one more *sob*
You should DEFINITELY come back to Korea, Liney!!!!!!!! It will negate all of the stress that I'm having now and turn my new grey hair back to brown. See, now you HAVE to do it! And it has to be Ulsan, or I just won't be happy.
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