Monday, January 22, 2007
Garden variety
Plants, plants, plants. I FINALLY bought some plants. I have been meaning to do it for quite some time now, but I just didn't make it a priority. Well, now I've gone and done it. I went to a lovely greenhouse near my school and bought three plants. I've also got my eye on a dozen more . . . and a tree. I love the smell of a greenhouse. It's not so much a smell as perfect air. A house (or tiny bachelor apartment,) is not a home without plants.
From the Botanical Garden Greenhouse in Montreal.

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Hi Mel I found your blog today and caught up on all the news. Sounds like you're having fun and have a great life. We're so happy for you. Luke and I are taking scuba diving lessons and are having a blast. He may be laid off for a while due to lack of business so he's looking at other possibilities. Tonight he and I are going to a Sens game. I bought real cheap tickets last week. I think we get a free hat. Mum took Gia out to lunch on Sunday and may go to the airport to see her off but she's not feeling well today so that may not happen. Realy cold here but getting warmer tomorrow so it's not that bad. Give the big guy and big hug from me.
Lotsa Love, Dada XXXX
Guess who? I, too, found your blog today and thought I would write a little note to say hi. I must admit that I was on pins and needles to find out whether ofr not you would uncover your camera-computer cord because I really, really want to see more pictures. I am work currently (the Art Gallery of Sudbury), so this will be short. But You should read "Q & A" by Vikras Swarup. It is good, good, good. So is "Hitching Rides with Buddha" by the aforementioned Will Ferguson. I'm so glad I found you!! Talk to you soon Maloney baloney!!
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